Greg Landry's
Homeschool Science
- Christian Worldview
- Veteran Science Teacher
- Community with Other Students
5 New Textbooks!
Pre-Publication Offers
(for a limited time & first-come, first-served basis)
- Textbooks ship on January 17, 2025
Christian Worldview
Story Powered
Independent Learning
Not Typical Science Textbooks (see contents below)
Homeschool Science Curriculum
Specifically Written & Designed
for Students Who May Struggle with Science & Math
Authored by Homeschool Dad / Scientist / Former College Professor
Greg Landry, M.S.
25+ Years Experience Teaching Homeschooled Students
The His Glory Science Series of Hardcover Textbooks
Illuminating His Creation - Revealing His Glory
- High School Biology
- High School Chemistry
- High School Conceptual Physics
- High School Human Anatomy & Physiology
Combo Science (grades 6-9)
Each Textbook...
- Designed for students to be able to use independently
- Is story based to engage students
- Written to be easy to read and conversational
- Lots of helpful graphics also included
- Is God-Honoring
- Is standard high school level
(except Combo Science which is middle school level)
- Is a hardcover 9x12 textbook
- 24 chapters & approximately 220 pages
- Exams with answer keys
Pre-Publication Offers
(for a limited time & first-come, first-served basis)
- Textbooks ship on January 17, 2025
1. Purchase all 5 Textbooks
--- 20% discount
$388 ($97 x 5 = $485 minus 20% = $388)
--- Free 2 year access ($540 value) to our 3 interactive online labs
(Biology / Anatomy, Chemistry, & Physics) for your family
--- Free shipping
2. Purchase 1 Textbook
--- Free 1 year access ($90 value) to 1 of our interactive online labs
(Biology / Anatomy, Chemistry, or Physics) for your family
--- Free shipping
- Textbooks ship on January 17, 2025
Questions? Email Greg Landry